Amana Takaful Life

  • District: Ampara
  • Working Sector: Private
  • Industry Category: Financial Service
  • Slogan: Insurance Redifined
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    • Tel (Mobile): 770366612
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Who we are… Takaful is derived from the Arabic root-word “kafala” which means Mutual Protection and Joint Guarantee. Operationally, Takaful refers to participants contributing mutually to a common pool, for the purpose of mutual indemnity in the case of peril or loss. This arrangement is obligated through the tenets of Islamic Shariah. With these ideals, Amãna Takaful was incorporated as a Public Company for the purpose of Composite Insurance in Sri Lanka in 1999, with technical collaboration from Takaful Malaysia. Listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange since 2006, Amãna Takaful has expanded its geographic foot-print through 25 branches in the country. Our overseas branch operation in the Republic of Maldives since 2005,was incorporated as a free standing PLC listed on the MSE in 2011. With the growth of the Takaful way of Insurance, we now count astaff strength of 400 plus, offering products and services tailored to the discerning diversity of the businesses and communities we serve. Amãna Takaful has received ISO 9001 accreditation. How are we apart … Steadfastly holding on to our lofty ideals, we under-write all classes (with a few exceptions). Over the years we have derived strength from diversity, enlisting all communities in Sri Lanka in our customer portfolio striving to provide competitively superior financial solutions, working together with our valued business partners.
The concept of Takaful "Takaful" is an Islamic insurance concept of risk management based on reciprocity and partnership. The practice of “Takaful” is firmly grounded on financial principles which observe rules and regulations of Islamic law, practiced for over 1400 years. Simply translated, Takaful means ‘joint guarantee’ in which several parties ensure the safety of their collective partners. The model creates a financial community in an effort to safeguard the interests of each individual through a collective fund. In the case of an ill-fated event, the affected party may benefit from the contributions of his fellow participants, thus becoming joint owners of the fund and providers of each other’s interests. The emergence of Takaful can be traced to the perennial need for a scheme of insurance, void of interest and uncertainty. “Takaful insurance” fills this void with transparency, equity and mutual benefit. Why Takaful? - Participants collaborate for their common good , - Contributions are made to help those in need of financial assistance , - Losses and liabilities are dispersed according to a pooling system ,