Job Creation and Public Employment Services Unit
According to the Department of Census and Statistics Youth unemployment is becoming a serious issue in Sri Lanka's labor forces. Alarmingly, the situation among the educated youth is worse, where a higher rate of unemployment is observed when comparing with other unemployed groups. Addressing this scenario in Sri Lankan context has become one of the main challenges at the Present. Thus, the main objective of the Department of Manpower and Employment is to continue the policy goals to reduce the unemployment ratio in Sri Lanka.
To fulfill the department’s vision, “A world class labour force", Job creation and Promotion unit intervene and address Sri Lanka's unemployment problem in order to find suitable solutions. The main functions of the unit are..,
- Creating new job opportunities
- Promoting job opportunities
Objectives of the Public Employment Service
- Job coordination.
- To function as the Information Unit of the Labour Market.
- Administering Active Labor Market Programs.
- Administering an effective training referral service.
- Partnership building with all stakeholders who are involved in the employment services.
Functions Performed by the Public Employment Service Centers
- Registering of job seekers.
- Registering of vacancies in public / private / semi government sectors.
- Registering Training Institutes in public/private/semi government sectors.
- Job Matching.
- Referral for vacancies / Training opportunities.
- Facilitating Employ-ability Enhancement Programs.
- Career guidance services.
- Establishing partnership with all stakeholders.
- Generating of Labor Market Information.
- Coordinating and administering district level PES centers.
Employment Creation programs
It is estimated that around two hundred thousand fresh job seekers enter the labour force of Sri Lanka annually. Hence objective of the job creation programmes conducted by the unit is to create new employment opportunities for these new entrants mainly. The programmes aim to improve the technical and soft skills needed for the youth to venture in to entrepreneurship mainly.